About » Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

Wiltse School Code of Conduct


Wiltse School believes that student learning is optimized in an environment that is safe, caring and orderly.  Such an environment is built on a foundation of respect.  Respect for self, respect for others, and respect for property around us.  Expectations for student conduct should help create such an environment.

1.    Scope of the Wiltse School Code of Conduct

        The Code of Conduct applies to students of Wiltse School engaged in, present at, or attending:

  • school or any school activity on school premises.
  • travel in a school bus or other transportation arranged by the school.
  • any activity sponsored by, organized by or participated in by the school regardless of time

      or place.

 2.    Expectations:

Wiltse School expects students to show respect:

for self by:

  • attending school daily and on time
  • working diligently at their studies.
  • maintaining a healthy lifestyle and attitude.
  • maintaining appropriate standards of language, dress and hygiene.

for others by:

  • adhering to classroom and school rules.
  • maintaining courteous and respectful relationships with fellow students, staff and volunteers.
  • demonstrating respect for all people and for the diversity of people.
for property by:
  • respecting personal property.
  • respecting the property of others.
  • respecting school and public property.
  • respecting neighbourhood property.
Wiltse School regards the following as examples of serious misconduct which are not acceptable in the school or on school outings:
  • physical or emotional violence.
  • verbal or physical harassment or intimidation.
  • bullying, including cyber bullying.
  • discrimination contrary to the BC Human Rights Code.
  • possession, trafficking or use of illegal substances such as drugs or alcohol.
  • possession and/or use of weapons.
  • possession and/or use of noxious or toxic substances.
  • possession and/or use of fireworks or incendiary devices.
3.    Consequences of Unacceptable Conduct

Where appropriate, consequences for unacceptable conduct should involve restitution.  Restitution is an approach to discipline that is based on the recognition that young people will make mistakes.  By focusing on how a young person can correct a mistake, rather than on punishment this approach emphasizes positive solutions to problems and enhances student responsibility and self discipline.

On those occasions when corrective efforts fail to result in a student complying with the expected conduct standards disciplinary action will recognize and follow these principles:
  • misconduct must be dealt with on an individual basis.
  • each case of misconduct shall be dealt with as expeditiously as possible.
  • as students become older expectations become higher and consequences become greater.
  • disciplinary consequences should be progressive in nature.
  • when deemed appropriate, parents/guardians shall be involved.
  • severe, group or retaliatory behaviour will warrant stronger consequences.
In cases of property damage, the School Act assigns a liability for costs to the parents and student(s) involved.

Special consideration may be given to students with special needs if these students are unable to comply with expectations due to a disability of an intellectual, physical, sensory, emotional or behavioural nature.  When students with identified special needs require intervention regarding their conduct the school will ensure that:
  • such students have been adequately assessed.
  • appropriate interventions are in place.
  • planning is undertaken to prevent further incidents of a similar nature.